Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to Fog an average 3 bedroom House.

The whole process should take about one and a half hours.

Can I stay in the property

It is recommend that all persons vacate the property whilst the fogging process is carried out.

When can I re-enter a house after it has been fogged

Usually within forty minutes.

Is fogging safe for electronics

It is safe around electronics. Electronics and other sensitive items identified by personnel will not be directly sprayed.

What chemicals are used during the Fogging process

The safe water based formula is suitable for use on most non-porous surfaces and when used as directed, leaving treated surfaces safe for human contact.

Does fogging kill Coronavirus

Independently tested February 2020 to European Standard BS EN 14476 against Coronavirus.

What is touchpoint cleaning

Cleaning and disinfection of common touchpoints, such as door handles, light switches to minimise the risk of microbial transfer.

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